I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Orsay: trying to not fry the detectors

so here's the latest version of the configuration: forward in-plane detectors at r = 150 mm and theta = 15'; backward in-plane detectors at r = 130 mm, theta = 37' (phi = 0,180'); out-of-plane detectors at r = 100 mm, theta = 27' (phi=90,270').

I think this is the best we can do: it's simple to add spacers to the Deep Space 9 mount to move four of the detectors forward, and it avoids putting the detectors at angles smaller than 5' where they would meet a speedy death.

The on-axis strips of the forward in-plane detectors will live for 10.4 days, assuming a 2 pnA beam current and 1e9 elastic events to kill them.

Hit pattern for reaction:

modDS9 rxn hits

and especially for Alex, schematic drawings of the positions:

IP schematic

OOP schematic

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