I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Orsay: trying out S2 detectors

Although we don't have LEDAs to burn, we do have S2s, apparently. Try those: at 55 and 190 mm from the target they cover 3.3-32.5' with really high efficiency. The hit pattern is shown below...

2s2 hit pattern

...and the angular distribution of 18O and α hits:
2s2 ang dist

Compare these to the hit patterns and ang dists of one arrangement of 6 ps3ds:
config 4 hit pattern

config 4 ang dist

Advantages of using S2s instead of PS3Ds: Lots of coverage; easy analysis; Q value no less precise; fewer channels of electronics; fewer detectors to fry.

Disadvantages: we have to scramble for pre-amps and cabling and such; and we don't get to use the Deep Space Nine mount.


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