I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Orsay: Deep Space 9 mount for PS3Ds

Here's the hit pattern that results from the basic configuration
--that is, all the detectors are at a radial distance of 15 cm; the forward in-plane ones are at theta=15' and the backward in-plane ones have theta=37'; and the out-of-plane detectors are at theta=27'.
In this configuration, there are 1609 hits out of 500 000 events simulated (equivalent to 10477 interactions--so the detectors have an efficiency of 15%.
DS9 basic hit pattern

Modify the configuration: bring the out-of-plane detectors forward by 5 cm.

In this configuration, there are 2093 hits out of 500 000 events simulated (equivalent to 10562 interactions--so the detectors have an efficiency of 20%.

DS9 OOP in hit pattern

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