I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Orsay data: theta calibration?

In this post, I simulated the elastic scattering events that are coincidences between dets 1 and 4. Here are the results for some data.
sort routine: require exactly one good det 1 event and one good quad event. (A good event in det 1 means that both ends of one strip fire. A good event in det 4 means that both ends of one strip fire, and the corresponding strip in det 3 does not fire.) Also require that strip number 6 in det 1 is always the one to fire. (Having a single strip in det 1 simplifies the energy gain matching: the gain-match parameters have not been selected at all so it would be surprising if the energies of all strips of det 1 were even similar.) The hits in det 1 look like this (all strips, E vs p):

and the hits in det 4 look like this (all strips, E vs p):

Distribution of theta hits in det 1 strip 6: theta conversion used is theta = 15-9*position

Distribution of theta hits in det 4 all strips: theta conversion used is theta = 63-14*position

Theta for det 4 all strips vs theta for det 1 strip 6:

I was hoping that, as I messed around like this with the data, some patterns would appear and/or start making sense. But I still don't know...
  • why the det 1 E vs p loci seems to slope up to the right. Does that mean that right (= large position) = small theta, or just that the gainmatching is bad?
  • why the det 1 E vs p loci don't extend all the way across the detectors. Does this mean that left (= small position) = small theta = high intensity, or just that there's some kind of threshold/triggering problem?
  • what all the blobs in det 4 correspond to...it looks like there are several distinct things happening, but I have no idea what any of them are.
I'm going to select one region in strip 6 of det 4 and see what patterns emerge in its data. Here's the region:

and here are the corresponding events in strip 6 of det 1: Now we're onto something!

Here are the blobs from det 4 strip 6 (on the right; the one used for gating) and det 1 strip 6 (on the left; the resultant).

For completeness, try gating on the other three evident blobs in det 4 strip 6:

For comparison/orientation, here's the ungated data for det 1 (top) and det 4 (bottom):

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