I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Orsay: Simulations of coincidences

  • Of alpha-alpha coincidences, where both particles are detected with good energies in both ends of the strips, 99% involve both particles hitting a single detector
  • 4% of those events involve both alphas hitting the same strip
  • the "upstream" detectors, 2 and 3, each have just over 40% of the two-alpha events, with the remainder being in the downstream detectors.
  • Assuming that we can reconstruct the initial energies of the alphas from the energy they deposit, in some sort of sensible way, it should be possible to calculate a Q-value for the reaction from the two alpha energies and angles, with a fwhm of ~5oo keV

Elastic scattering:
  • Strip vs strip, E vs E, and theta vs theta for the reaction products from 80 MeV 14C on 12C:

Distribution of theta hits for elastic scattering coincidences between dets 1 and 4:

--> we expect real ES events to occur mostly between 15-20' in det 1 and 69-75' in det 4; also 18' in det 1 corresponds to ~69' in det 4.

Alphas (just to check geometry)

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