I don't have techno-fear--I have techno JOY!!! --Eddie Izzard.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

18Ne(a,p): rutherford backscattering from entrance foil

*Monitoring the backscattered beam in the upstream LEDA: What energies should we expect, and what resolutions? How much will LEDA be shielded by the entrance to the gas cell?
*Use 26.45 MeV beam (the new approved number for populating the 2.52 MeV resonance in the middle of the 2 cm cell); 4 cm diameter gas cell entrance 6 cm upstream of entrance foil; LEDA 20 cm upstream from the entrance.
*SRIMulations were used to set the energy losses of the beam through the foil
*plot the average energy in each strip against the average angle for each strip; error bars are the standard deviation of the energies.

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